Secret of the Leper

The Zen Master 🧞✨
3 min readNov 16, 2022


A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!”

Immediately he was cured of his leprosy.

Regarding healing a man with leprosy,

There is a missing correlation between God and spiritual works.

Or at least the correlation is intellectually missing to me
I assume it is missing to others.

Jesus put hands on lepers,
and he did not receive leprosy,
he had no fear of receiving leprosy,
and then he healed these men of their spiritual and emotional pains.
Then we are called to do the same.

So now this is modeled as,
“If you are carrying ‘an anointing’,
which is a fancy way of saying,
‘a calling’ and ‘a manifestation of the spirit is riding upon you’,
then you can perform works of power like this

So we are saying,
“If you are carrying a supernatural power on you, perform works”

And we model this back to coming back from God, or from Christ,
the Christlight shining so brightly that it is eradicating darkness as nothing but light can stand in its wake

but! A missing correlation!

What is God but Love?

What is the opposite of fear but love?

Supernatural power is one thing

But would not the authentic work be love?

Because now with understanding let me model this:

Jesus put his hands on a leper because he loved the leper,
he was not afraid of receiving leprosy because he would do anything for the leper because he loved him,
there is no fear in this love,

could it even be said that such a heartfelt display of affection would be enough to shock a man with leprosy into receiving love into himself,
into receiving love onto his pains,
into having being given a gift of showing that he must somehow be of some value,

See, the world cursed this man with leprosy, told him he was nothing, he was a beggar, a failure, a loser, and irredeemable, and leprosy grows in these pains,

But this man comes to you, he is clean and healthy, he has no sickness on him, and he lays an affectionate hand on you, just to love you, just to connect with you, just to give warmth to your hands, just to be with you, in an intimacy between two beings of equal measure.
He has no concern for becoming sick at all, no concern for future consequences, his concern is on you.

How could he have no concern?

For one, he cannot be fearing the future, he must be looking at the appreciation of the present moment before him.
For two, he has understanding, he understands what leprosy is and how it works, he understands the potential consequences of putting his hands on a person with leprosy,
he has weighed these costs, and he has determined that this moment of connection is worth the cost.
Connecting to this man is worth the cost even of losing ones health and suffering an irreversible disease!
Surely this means this man is worth something, what madness otherwise could this be done?
Surely this means that there is a God, for a healthy man to willingly touch a sick man is a sort of madness, in a sense this event is a miraculous, unfathomable possibility.

And surely more, what kind of man is this? What kind of man, adult, having survived childhood, having survived a cold world with limbs intact, he risks his health without fear? What kind of power is this?
What does this say about man’s capacities?
If this man has the courage or madness to take a choice that defies the very laws of this place we appear to be trapped in,
what freedom of choice is possible?

He has demonstrated an act that despite the rules, despite the consequences imposed on him by reality,
that there is nothing, nothing in existence, no authority or establishment that can take from him his ability to choose in the present moment.

Even if Jesus received leprosy and died, he still would have been satisfied with his choice.

