Actualizing Thought for Overthinkers
I am certain that when a person like me who has many thoughts,
Does not actualize his many thoughts,
Does not experiment with them with harder data with the collective,
Surely his mind will be full of torment.
Surely we must actualize our thoughts into our way of action and being,
For reason of a secret I am seeing right now,
That there is resolution of data in bringing thought to form.
This secret is in a Harmony and a balance between invisible and visible.
To achieve a balance, the invisible thought is brought into the visible way.
Then I am brought to a peace,
Because my thoughts were loud,
But my way is silent.
Now I can rest in the movement of what was once my thought.
While writing this
I was testing my own claim
That when we draw from thought we are drawing from a voice
And I was resting within being silence
And I was writing freely from there without repercussion
And I’m satisfied with the results
Which are revelations that I would not have had
If I had limited my speech
With fear of sounding boastful or prideful